How To Sharpen Blender Blades With Eggshells In 2021

Depending on how often you use your blender and what it blends, the blades are likely to go blunt after a while. Blunts blades are one of the conundrums homeowners have to face while using their blenders, and some have even dumped good blenders simply because the blades aren’t sharp.

Below, I will be outlining the steps you can use to sharpen your blades using eggshells – it is completely harmless especially when compared to another method I will be outlining in this article, and when you are done reading, you will see every reason why you shouldn’t throw away your blender simply because the blades are blunt. Here we go!

Pro Steps To Sharpen Blender Blades With Eggshells


Some of us use eggs every day without knowing one of its importance –and I don’t mean the nutritional values, to be honest, I simply mean the shells – yes you read well, the shells!

Eggshells can be used to bring back the sharpness your blender has been known to have – simply follow the steps I will be outlining below to see lasting results.

Step 1-Don’t Throw Your Eggshells Away

While enjoying your omelettes every morning, make it a habit to keep your eggshells in places where they can be dried properly. Keep as many as you can so that you can have more than enough when you finally need them.

Step 2-Your Blender Should Be Clean

Before attempting to use the eggshells on the blender, ensure the blender is clean and free from every form of dirt.

Step 3-Plug It In The Power Source

After confirming it is clean enough, plug it into a power source, because the next steps will require that you turn it on sharpening itself.

Step 4-Mix The Eggshells With Water And Blend

Once you have enough eggshells saved, mix about 2-3 cups of eggshells with a half cup of water inside the blender, and blend it to its highest capacity. There is no time frame for how long you should blend, due to the difference in blenders, but ensure you blend it to the point where the eggshells become juice.

Step 5-Remove The Blended Eggshells

After blending the eggshells into pieces, remove the blender, then throw away the juicy eggshell in the sink (except it has some other medicinal or nutritional value I am not aware of).
Rinse the blender with clean water before allowing it to dry.

Now try blending other substances in the blender to see the rate at which your blender blades dismantle anything it touches – it will look as though you bought it for the first time.

FAQ- How To Sharpen Blender Blades With Eggshells In 2021

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What Else Can I Use To Sharpen My Blades?

You can also sharpen your blades by dismantling them most safely I will be explaining below, but ensure that you follow every step to the latter to experience the best result possible.

Materials Needed

(You will be needing the following materials to ensure that the blades are dismantled in the safest way possible).

Step 1-Unplug The Device From The Power Source

As I would always say, the safest measure you can take while cleaning or dismantling a blender is to unplug it from the power source.

By doing so, you save yourself from any form of shock hazards that might have occurred if left unplug – you also work with a certain degree of assurance that the blender won’t turn itself on while your hands are inside. Nobody wants to eat flesh smoothies, nobody.

Step 2-Ensure The Blender Can Be Disassembled

The next step is to ascertain if your blender can be disassembled. Don’t just assume you can disassemble your blender because I said so.

Some blenders are designed in such a way that they can’t be disassembled, and if that’s how your blender is designed, then I strongly suggest you try using the eggshell method.

But if you can determine that your blender can be disassembled, then simply proceed to the steps that follow.

Note that disassembling the blender will likely void any warranty claims you have on the blender just so you know.

Step 3-Work With A Clean Blender

It’s ideal to work with a neat blender, as this will keep any issues from happening. Tacky food buildup makes it harder to sharpen the blades, but not only that, but it can also cause it to slip out of your hands while working.

The first thing to do is to dismantle the blender and wash each segment which can be put in water. This probably incorporates the glass holder, cover, and blade.

The blender motor can be cleaned by using a damp paper towel, or probably, use a touch of cleanser before cleaning it dry. Using a wipe also works.

The blades are actually the areas you are concerned with, so it’s ideal to assess everywhere to get out all the dirt, if not all of it. After you’ve cleaned each segment, wipe it off with a spotless paper towel or kitchen fabric.

Then live to dry – there is no point in working with slippery objects, you might as well not bother dismantling the blender in the first place.

Step 4-Remove The Blades As Carefully As Possible

This is the part where you have to take all the necessary caution possible. At the base of your blender, you will see the sharp edges appended. You’ll need to investigate the base and check whether they can simply be screwed out.

If that’s not possible, then know that you won’t be able to sharpen the blades yourself – But if they can, you’ll need to carefully bend them anticlockwise to help separate the cutting edges from the base.

To successfully carry this out, you have to put on your safety gloves to avoid cutting yourself – because even if the blades are blunt, they are certainly not blunt to your flesh.

After you’ve isolated the two, you ought to have the base of the blender, a defensive ring, and the blades. These parts should be removed and separated from the base. Handle them with care and spot everything down cautiously on a towel.

To avoid any sort of issues when reassembling, you can make a video of the entire process so that you don’t confuse yourself in knowing where each part fits.

Step 5-Wash The blades Separately

After separating the blades, you will have to wash underneath the blade area. It’s conceivable that there is food residue that might have been stuck in this area due to long use. You might even want to soak the blades if these food residues are proving difficult to remove.

Be exceptionally cautious when washing this part as you’ll need to utilize an insignificant measure of cleanser and water to wash the blades. After rinsing and drying the edges, you can now proceed to sharpen the blades.

Step 6-Get The Blades Sharpened Using Your Sharpening Stone

As soon as the blades become dry, put the blades sharp section away from you and on top of your sharpening stone. From here, start to run it against the stone, keeping the edge at a small angle and driving it back and forth on the stone.

Whenever you’ve run the edge across the stone a few times, flip it over to the other side and repeat the process.

Every blender blade ought to have around four sharp sides – Two situated operating at the back of the blades and two situated in the front; although, you should note that this can vary on the type of blender you have.

In any case, repeat the cycle with the entirety of the blades until you have a sharp edge on both sides.
You can always tell when the blades are sharp as they will have a slight glimmer to them and have all the earmarks of being very sharp.

Try not to touch the edges with your bare hand to confirm how sharp they are, as the result of your confirmation can only lead to you spilling your own blood everywhere. I suggest you assemble the blender before testing how sharp they have gotten.

Once again, don’t use your bare hands.
The sharpening phase should take you about 10-15 minutes to get a good result.

Step 7-Assemble The Blender

Once you see the glimmer on the blades, the next step is to put everything the same way you get it. Put back the defensive/protective ring into the base of the blender and afterward screw in the blades the same way you screwed them out.

Be certain that everything is secured before appending the glass compartment and attaching it to the motor of your blender.

When everything is set up, you can do a trial by endeavouring to make a straightforward smoothie or cleaved vegetables. If the blades work effectively, then you can give yourself a high-five for a job well done, and should even consider opening a blender blade cleaning workshop – you can even award yourself a certificate if you want.

Nonetheless, if the reverse seems to be the case, then I strongly suggest you repeat the process until you get the desired result, but I doubt it would still be blunt if you followed every step outlined.

Read also- Can I sharpen immersion blender blades? 

How Do You Sharpen Blender Blades With Ice?

Spoiler alert, you can’t sharpen your blender blades with ice, as a matter of fact, blending ice has been said to be one of the contributing factors to wear and tear in blender blades, so you might want to watch out for such.

Remove the thought totally from your imagination because ice can never improve the sharpness of blender blades. It will rather deteriorate at the tale end.

Here are other FAQs you might have with regards to blender blades, and how well they can be managed.

Do Blender Blades Get Dull?

Definitely, blender blades get dull after a long time of use. The timeframe with which your blender blades can get dull can span up to years after you purchase them.

But as time sets in, and due to the items you blend, your blades are likely to grow dull and blunt which would definitely require you to sharpen them to continue to get the best out of your blender.

How Do You Sharpen The Blades Of A Ninja Blender?

The good news is that Ninja blenders can be easily dismantled – so, simply follow the steps I outlined in the second segment of this article to sharpen the blades of your ninja blender.

You should however note that recent ninja blenders hardly have their blades worn out compared to older models.

How Long Will Blender Blades Remain Sharp After Being Sharpened?

Your blender blades will remain sharp for a longer time frame if you don’t use them frequently, compared to when you do – in other words, the more often you use your blender, the shorter the timeframe for the blades to remain sharp. All in all, if the blades go blunt once again, you know what to do.  For more ways to sharpen your blender blades,  read “This”.

How Can I Care For My Blender Blades?

In cleaning the blades of your blender, remove the blender container from the engine base. Twist the locking ring, and separate it from the motor and the cutting assembly as indicated by your manufacturer’s guidelines.

Wash the cutting assembly in warm soapy water, then rinse and dry completely. For most blenders, the locking ring can be washed in the upper rack of a dishwasher, or you can also wash it with warm soapy water.

For blenders that don’t have a removable blade, after usage, fill the blender container with 1/4 liter of warm water and a drop or two of dish cleanser. Put the cover on the blender and run it at medium speed for around 10 to 15 seconds.

At that point flush the blender well with new water, use a wipe to wipe any leftover remaining from the blade or the inside of the container.
So with the best possible cleaning and care, your blender blades should last the life of the machine itself.

How To Sharpen Blender Blades With Eggshells-Conclusion

The moment the blade of a blender begins to develop issues, then it is certain that the blender, no matter how costly, begins to lose its value.

Avoid blending things such as extra hot liquids, especially when you consider that blenders actually make items hot, dried fruits, ice cubes, coffee beans in large quantities, and bones can easily damage your blender if you continue blending them often.

Prevention as they say, will always be better than a cure. Do the right thing for your blender blades today, so that you don’t have to sharpen them too often.

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